Monday, November 5, 2007

Schools to offer computer science classes


Anniston schools may be home to the next generation of computer whizzes with the help of some new classes.

The Young Computer Scientist Academy will come to the city’s seven schools to increase students’ knowledge of how computers work and what they can do on them.

“You want to get them young, when their brain is still fresh,” said Andrea Simmons, president of the academy.

“We want to focus them on understanding the advantages to learning about computers.”

Simmons earned her degree in computer science from Samford University in 1988 and has worked in technology with Lawson State Community College, Bessemer City Schools, the University of Alabama-Birmingham and Miles College.

Now she’s turned her attention to a young audience.

The academy’s lessons include Internet literacy, desktop publishing, Web site design and networking technology.

See the full story here.

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