Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Talladega College is awarded grant for black health-care study


Talladega College has received a $83,000 grant to gather information on black health-care problems.

Dr. Angela Martin of Anniston will assist in the three-year study to identify challenges black Talladega residents face with access to health care and health-care information.

Talladega College will hold monthly open forum meetings with an estimated 350-person group from Rocky Mount Baptist Church of Talladega.

During the meetings, participants will discuss problems with health care they see in their lives and communities.

Martin said the venue will be a good opportunity to listen and will allow her and others to evaluate the community’s needs.

Leonard Cole, director of the office of sponsored programs at the college, said the program is one of at least five pilot studies across the country working on what’s causing health-care disparities among the races.

“We are trying to bridge or narrow that gap,” Cole said.

See the full story here.

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